Friday, July 12, 2019

Download Julius Rosenwald: Repairing the World (Jewish Lives) epub by Hasia R. Diner

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Julius Rosenwald: Repairing the World (Jewish Lives)

by Hasia R. Diner

Binding: Hardcover
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Results Julius Rosenwald: Repairing the World (Jewish Lives)

Julius Rosenwald Repairing the World — Jewish Lives “A masterpiece” —David Levering Lewis author of King A Biography and recipient of the Pulitzer Prize Julius Rosenwald 1862–1932 rose from modest means as the son of a peddler to meteoric wealth at the helm of Sears Roebuck Julius Rosenwald Repairing the World Jewish Lives Julius Rosenwald Repairing the World Jewish Lives Hasia R Diner on FREE shipping on qualifying offers The portrait of a humble retail magnate whose visionary ideas about charitable giving transformed the practice of philanthropy in America and beyond Julius Rosenwald 1862–1932 rose from modest means as the son of a peddler to meteoric wealth at the helm of Sears Julius Rosenwald Repairing the World Jewish Lives Julius Rosen­wald Repair­ing the World Jew­ish Lives by Hasia R Din­er Jew­ish Book Coun­cil In addi­tion to being one of the ear­ly twen­ti­eth century’s mul­ti­mil­lion­aires Julius Rosen­wald was one of its great­est phil­an­thropists as well as one of its strongest pro­po­nents of Jew­ish com­mit­ment to tikkun olam or repair­ing the world Julius Rosenwald Repairing the World Jewish Lives In Julius Rosenwald Repairing the World Hasia Diner a professor of American Jewish history at New York University and twotime recipient of the National Jewish Book Award gives him the recognition he deserves Diner documents the spectacular scale scope and impact of Rosenwalds gifts—Glenn Altschuler Forward Magazine Philanthropist Julius Rosenwald Aimed to Repair the World Julius Rosenwald’s philanthropy changed many lives in the early 20th century with his groundbreaking funding of AfricanAmerican schools in the Deep South The family lived across the street from Abraham Lincoln’s home JR made his way to New York City when he was 17 to learn the garment business During his time in New York he befriended future financial powerhouses Henry Morgenthau Sr and Henry Goldman of Goldman Sachs Julius Rosenwald Repairing the World Jewish Lives In Julius Rosenwald Repairing the World Hasia Diner a professor of American Jewish history at New York University and twotime recipient of the National Jewish Book Award gives him the recognition he deserves Diner documents the spectacular scale scope and impact of Rosenwalds gifts—Glenn Altschuler Julius Rosenwald Didn’t Repair The World The Forward Julius Rosenwald Didn’t Repair The World — But He Tried Harder Than Most JULIUS ROSENWALD REPAIRING THE WORLD By Hasia R Diner Yale University Press 237 pp 25 In a speech to the Associated Jewish Charities of Chicago of which he served as president beginning in 1908 Julius Rosenwald outlined the life he might have led Julius Rosenwald Wikipedia Julius Rosenwald was born in 1862 to the clothier Samuel Rosenwald and his wife Augusta Hammerslough a Jewish immigrant couple from Germany He was born and raised just a few blocks from Abraham Lincoln’s residence in Springfield Illinois during Lincoln’s presidency Julius Rosenwald Yale University Press Julius Rosenwald 1862–1932 rose from modest means as the son of a peddler to meteoric wealth at the helm of Sears Roebuck Yet his most important legacy stands not upon his business acumen but on the pioneering changes he introduced to the practice of philanthropy